
Round Deli Containers

Deli containers are the holy grail for countless independent businesses, home chefs, craftspeople, and many other small and large scale entrepreneurs. Yes, those deli pots that you mindlessly chuck off after finishing off your instant noodles. They’re fantastic when it comes to versatility and flexibility!

Deli portions by SystemPAK is a range of all such deli pots of various sizes, shapes, volumes, and price ranges that cater to diverse packaging requirements. Not sure why clients would choose SystemPAK’s range? Here’s all that you need to know!

1. Thin Walls

Thin walls are one of the many wall settings you can find in SystemPAK’s deli range. While thicker walled containers are better suited for foods that may need freezing and high temperatures of defrosting, thin walls are perfect for different kinds of contents. 

Basically, thinner walls are ideal for contents that need to be stored in an airy, breathable container. From baby foods and liquids, to craft supplies such as slimes and glues, these deli pots are made to handle more than just deli!

2. Disposable 

Nearly all of SystemPAK’s deli and container range is made from plastic that is safely disposable. Why disposable? There are a couple of reasons. 

First, disposable quality plastic, although safe, tends to be cheaper, which is why it appeals to small scale businesses. Secondly, it is also lightweight and easy to carry, which is why it isn’t much of a trouble when it comes to transportation. Lastly, these disposable plastic containers are also great for businesses whose customers are on-the-go eaters and don’t want to feel stuck with heavy-duty containers every now and then. 

3. Clear Plastic

The emphasis on clear plastic containers is mostly due to how easy it is to customise them as per the needs of various clients. Besides, clients often care about consumers in the sense that they want them to actually look at the product from the outside of the container instead of being sceptical about what may be inside. 

4. Portion Control

This is probably an all-time favourite of the clients at SystemPAK. There aren’t just a few substandard, inflexible size options from which every kind of client has to comb through to find the appropriate size.

Instead, SystemPAK has introduced a range of shapes, volumes, and qualities for different kinds of portions that businesses find universally convenient. These start from volumes as small as 125 ml and go up to 500 ml.

5. Customized Labels

SystemPAK doesn’t want its customers to have a monotonous feel in the pots and containers they purchase. Therefore, clients can also get their containers customized using labels, logos, stickers, seals, tapes, and many other add-ons!


When it comes to Deli pots, the utilities are endless. Therefore, SystemPAK ensures that these pots are as flexible and universally usable as possible!

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